What About Me: Sonia!

Hi, I am Sonia. Thanks for dropping by my site: Wildlife Safari Adventures.

I am 54 years old and currently live in a small town in the northern region of the province of Quebec in Canada.

I love nature and lead a quiet life. Some of my hobbies include reading, puzzles, painting, volleyball, and ice skating. Moreover, I am not a big fan of hockey. Even though I am Canadian, I prefer golf instead!

I have a bachelor’s degree in biochemistry. I worked for almost 20 years in research and development. About five years ago, I decided to reinvent myself! So I went to work for the mining industry as a chemist in an assay lab analyzing gold samples.

About me and wildlife safari adventures.

After losing my job in the spring of 2014, I came to the realization that I wanted more out of life.

After some soul searching, I came to the conclusion that I wanted to be my own boss, be in charge of my own destiny!

So, I set out seeking not a new job but a new career path! I always had this unspoken wish in the back of my mind of working from home and earning a living while doing it!

In order to be successful in my new endeavor, I went back to school! I joined the Wealthy Affiliate University to learn about online marketing.

As a result, early in 2015, I started my own online business by creating the website you are currently on, called Wildlife Safari Adventures. This site allows me to work from home, be my own boss, and pursue my passions, which involve travel and Africa!

Why Wildlife Safari Adventures?

When I was eight years old, I went to Italy on a family vacation. Since then, I have become addicted to traveling abroad. I have always been fascinated and interested in other cultures. Traveling allows me to satisfy my endless thirst for knowledge and fill up my soul with unforgettable life experiences!

Consequently, Wildlife Safari Adventures was created because of my passion for travel. This site provides a wealth of information about Africa. The primary purpose of this website is to help you plan your trip so that you can enjoy an unforgettable vacation in Africa!

Besides the safari adventures, this website allows you to explore all the other options available when it comes to a vacation in Africa. Thus, uncovering the many facets of the African continent.

I am regularly updating the content to offer my fellow travelers a unique experience at Wildlife Safari Adventures. Make sure to drop by on a regular basis!

If you need help or have any inquiries, please feel free to email me or leave a comment below. I will get back to you ASAP!

Your travel facilitator,
