African Safari Clothing Review — Blend in with the Wildlife!

Ever since you booked your African safari vacation, you have been wondering what kind of outfit to wear for your encounter with the wildlife.

Thus, I examined in my African safari clothing review different styles of attire for both men and women that you should pack for your safari vacation.

Dress up with style and blend in with your surroundings!

African safari clothing review

How to Dress Up for an African Safari?

As a general rule of thumb, avoid wearing bright colors at all costs on a safari. The main reason is that the vivid colors attract animals. You don’t want to draw unnecessary attention to yourself. Therefore, you should opt for light colors, like olive, gray, khaki, and brown.

Keep in mind that if you wear short sleeve shirts along with shorts you need to have bug repellent since malaria is present in many regions of Africa.

Remember that exposed skin is an invitation for lunch for the mosquitoes! To avoid contracting malaria, cover your skin. If you insist on wearing short sleeves as well as shorts, spray an ample amount of bug repellent to prevent mosquito bites.

Furthermore, if you travel to Tanzania or Kenya, be on the lookout for another pesky insect, the Tsetse fly, a carrier of the sleeping sickness.

Thus, it is of the utmost importance to protect yourself by wearing long sleeve shirts along with pants. Also, avoid wearing dark colors such as blue and black since they are a magnet for the Tsetse flies.

One of the things that you need to take into account when selecting your safari clothing is the weather. Africa is well renowned for its broad spectrum of weather conditions. What I mean here, is that the temperature varies considerably during the day. Usually, the mornings and evenings are very chilly, while during the day, the temperature gets sweltering.

Furthermore, you have to factor in the time of the year. Are you traveling to Africa during the winter (wet season) or the summer (dry season)?

Another thing to think about when buying your safari clothing is comfort. You don’t want to wear safari clothing made of polyester or any other non-breathable fabrics. This will block the elimination of perspiration from your skin.

I highly recommend that you wear cotton clothes, or clothing made of breathable fabrics, to get rid of the moisture.

Layered Clothing!

A little piece of advice, it would be wise to dress up in layers. Considering that the temperature varies tremendously during the day, this will allow you to either remove or add pieces of apparel and stay warm and cozy.

Now dressing up in layers does not imply that you have to bring your entire wardrobe! If you are taking charter flights to reach your safari destination, there is a luggage restriction.

The weight limit is 30 pounds (15 kg). To avoid any unpleasantness, bring only the essentials and versatile clothes!

Tag Safari Jacket for Men

The men’s Safari Jacket is made of 100% cotton, keeping you warm on a chilly day. It has multiple pockets to stow all your essentials for your Safari adventures.

The safari jacket only weighs 5.5 Oz (155 g) and will not take up too much space in your duffel bag!

Fabrics: Tropicool Cotton
Colors: Khaki, Moss, Olive, and Stone
Sizes: Small thru 3XL

African safari clothing review

Field Jacket for Women

The Field Jacket will most certainly keep you warm. Plus, ladies, no need to carry a purse around with this jacket!

It has six pockets, big enough to stow away your important documents and everything you need for your adventure!

Fabrics: Polyester and Fleece
Colors: Olive
Sizes: X-Small thru XL

African safari clothing review

Zambezi Convertible Pants for Men

The Zambezi Convertible Pants are best suited for those who want to travel light since they are versatile.

Take off the legs and wear them as shorts during the day and put back the legs for dinner. Thus, no need to bring a pair of shorts and pants for your vacation.

The Zambezi pants are lightweight, weighing only 5.5 Oz (155 g). Also, the presence of an elastic waist gives you more comfort.

There are also four pockets for the storage of your safari gear such as binoculars, compass, camera, and so on.

Fabrics: Tropicool cotton
Colors: Khaki, Olive, Moss
Sizes: 28’’ to 44’’ waist (2-inch increments)

African safari clothing review

Chino Pants for Women

The Chino pants for women are appropriate for various activities such as walking, hiking, or going on game drives only to name a few.

Moreover, the Chino Pants with their front pleats provide a sleek and sophisticated look. They can be worn for casual as well as for formal events.

So, there is no need to change up for dinner with these versatile pants!

Fabrics: Tropicool cotton
Colors: Khaki, Olive, Forest, Moss
Sizes: 4 thru 14

African safari clothing review

Adventure Shorts for Men

The Adventure shorts are the logical choice for hiking and walking safaris. Their length is above the knee.

They offer enough storage with their two cargo pockets to carry with you all your valuable gadgets such as binoculars, cameras, and a GPS to allow you to track down and observe wildlife.

Fabrics: Tropicool cotton
Inseam: 9 inches
Colors: Khaki, Olive
Sizes: 30’’ thru 44’’ waist (even sizes, 2-inch increment)

African safari clothing review

Chino Shorts for Women

Ladies, if you want to wear shorts during your safari vacation, you should opt for the Chino shorts. Why? 

Because the local population of many African countries is often mainly composed of Muslims, ergo, it is not a good idea to wear shorts that are mid-thigh or even shorter. 

It is considered a great offense by the Muslim community. It would be more advisable to buy shorts that are at knee-length like the Chino shorts!

Fabrics: Tropicool cotton
Inseam: 7 ½ inch
Colors: Khaki, Stone, Olive, Forest
Sizes: 2 thru 14 (even sizes, 2-inch increment)

African safari clothing review

Vent Back Adventure Shirt for Men

If you are thinking of buying the vent back adventure short sleeve shirt for your safari vacation, bring as well some bug repellent!

The shirt is made of cotton, and the vented back will keep you cool.

Fabrics: Tropicool cotton
Colors: Khaki, Olive, Stone, Moss
Sizes: Small thru 3XL

African safari clothing review

Trail Shirt for Women

The trail shirt with long sleeves for women has epaulets, perfect for keeping your binoculars handy!

Furthermore, if you are planning to visit countries where there is a risk of contracting malaria or the presence of the Tsetse fly, you should wear a long sleeve shirt such as the trail shirt.

This is by far the best option to protect yourself.

Fabrics: Tropicool cotton
Colors: Khaki, Olive, Stone, Forest, Moss
Sizes: X-Small thru 4XL

African safari clothing review

Final Thoughts

In this review, I took a closer look at the basic clothes that you will need for your African safari vacation.

Because of the luggage restriction, you need to pack versatile clothes! Keep it simple by bringing only the essentials. Furthermore, many safari lodges and hotels provide a laundry service, so there is no need to bring your whole wardrobe!

You should opt for clothing made of breathable fabrics such as cotton, and dress up in layers.

To ensure that you return home safely, you should buy safari attire of light colors. Dark colors are a magnet for the megafauna. Try to blend in with the décor!

Furthermore, to reduce the risks of mosquito bites and, therefore, contracting diseases like malaria and sleeping sickness, pants, and shirts with long sleeves are preferable.

If you have any inquiries about African safari clothing, leave a comment below, and I will get back to you ASAP!

Photo of author

Sonia Zannoni

My name is Sonia, a traveler enthusiast and the CEO of Wildlife Safari Adventures. My goal with Wildlife Safari Adventures is to provide insightful information to help you better plan your African travels. Are you ready to uncover the many facets of the Dark Continent?

12 thoughts on “African Safari Clothing Review — Blend in with the Wildlife!”

  1. Hello,

    You are right; No one wants to attract the wild animals. Therefore, they shouldn’t wear bright colors. In my opinion, people should be the most concerned about insects, so repellent is a must in Safari. Also, a jacket with long sleeves and long pants would be nice. However, It may be too hot sometimes. I especially like those convertible pants you mentioned. I’ll definitely consider buying it.

    Thank you!

    • I personally prefer long sleeve shirts, pants, and a lot of bug repellent since mosquitoes love me too much! Thanks for your input about safari clothing.

  2. I spent a good stretch in India and had also been to South Africa – which included a visit to Kruger Park. I would like to suggest that regardless of whether or not you are going on a Safari that when travelling to Africa, India, or South America, take adequate precautions regarding bugs that bite as well as clothing choice.

    It just makes life safer and a hell of a lot more comfortable.

    • You are correct that selecting the proper clothing and having plenty of bug repellent handy is the best course of action as it helps avoid many health issues. Because getting ill during your vacation is the last thing you want.

      Thanks for sharing this great piece of advice. Better be safe than sorry!

  3. Hi Sonia!

    I really enjoyed your site! Do you have a safari planned anytime soon? A safari sounds like an amazing experience, but you definitely need to be careful too.

    I liked how you discussed what clothes to wear and what not to wear. I didn’t know that bright colors attracted animals….good to know! What about perfume, hairspray, and deodorant? Will these attract the animals? Thanks for all of your advice!


    • No, unfortunately, I don’t plan to go on a safari vacation in the near future.

      Not only you should avoid wearing bright colors but also any perfumed products since animals have an excellent sense of smell.

      If you are interested in learning more about planning a safari vacation, then click here to get some travel tips.


  4. Hello Sonia!

    I didn’t know that vivid colors attract animals! I was sure they don’t care about colors! Very informative. About the clothes you proposed, I’m not sure about shorts?? They are not protecting your legs and I’m afraid I may be hurt by branch or stuff like that.

    Your thoughts please!

    • I wouldn’t say I like wearing shorts much. Therefore, I would not wear shorts while on an African safari. There are other reasons, and I have listed them below:

      First, I find that mosquitoes love me too much! So, by wearing shorts, I would get a lot of mosquitoes bites, even if I use bug repellent! Since mosquitoes are carriers of diseases such as Tsetse illness and malaria, getting many mosquitoes bites would significantly increase the risk of contracting these diseases.

      Secondly, wearing shorts could lead to higher risks of injuries over the legs such as scrapes and cuts. Also, because of the scorching temperatures in Africa, if you suffer any injuries that are not treated immediately, the infection could set in quickly, which could have serious consequences (septicemia).

      Lastly, as I mentioned in my African Clothing Review, in some African countries, where there is a high concentration of Muslims, it will be viewed as a great offense to wear shorts that are below the knee.

      So, in a nutshell, these are the main reasons why I would not wear shorts on my African vacation. Notwithstanding, since some people might prefer to wear shorts on their African adventures, I have reviewed them in my post.


  5. Hey Sonia,

    This is pretty cool, I’ve never been to a cultural place like Africa and I’ve always wondered what to wear so that I won’t look like an outsider too much.

    City wear is definitely not idea and in the safari, Tshirt alone wouldn’t suffice. Fleece Jacket sounds pretty interesting, definitely getting my hands on that! Is the heat at the same temperature through the whole continent of Africa?

    • I have a few Jacket fleeces, and I find them to be quite handy!

      As for the temperature in Africa, it varies throughout the continent. Near the equatorial region, the temperatures are hotter than in the southern portion of the African continent. Furthermore, the temperatures are scorching over the desert areas. If you would like to learn more about the different climates of Africa, click here.


  6. Hi Sonia,

    Packed full of information about Safari clothing, thanks! I thought the temperature was hot in Kenya or Tanzania all the time. I never thought about evenings & mornings. Zipper Fleece Jacket Sherpa Collar seems like the ideal one to take.

    Do we really need to wear shorts, by the way? Initially, I thought I’d definitely need a pair of shorts for hot weather, but considering insect bites and the Muslim countries you mentioned, long pants may be more practical then… I’d love to go on a safari tomorrow if I could!


    • No, you don’t need a pair of shorts, it was just a suggestion since many people prefer to wear shorts in scorching weather! Personally, even though the temperature is hot, I like to wear long, breathable pants because I want to avoid exposing my skin to those pesky insects!

      Hey, you never know, you might be able to go on a safari in the near future! And when the time comes, you will know what kind of safari clothing you need to buy for your adventure!



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